446. Memorial Day 2013

Its Memorial Day weekend again and time to reflect on our brothers and sisters who have made the greatest sacrifice. Remember them all and thank all currently serving military and vets for thier service.

Please have a safe and fun weekend. Pass the INCOMING word to all! Thank you for visiting the site, it is appreciated.

1 thought on “446. Memorial Day 2013

  1. “Though I have not served, I know to whom I owe.
    First to God then to those, who fought for liberty.”
    – PoetPatriot.com

    PoetPatriot honoring those now gone, – http://www.PoetPatriot.com/holidays-memorial-day.htm

    Honoring the flag under which our veterans serve – http://www.PoetPatriot.com/holidays-flag-day.htm

    Celebrating Liberty for which our 1st Veterans fought and died – http://www.PoetPatriot.com/holidays-july-4-day.htm

    Honoring the MIA & POW – http://www.PoetPatriot.com/holidays-pow-mia-day.htm

    To honor one Veteran, honors them all – http://www.PoetPatriot.com/holidays-veterans-day.htm

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