I can see the Three Stooges on some course hitting exploding golf balls! Do they even exist? Does the Taliban play golf? If they did exist, would they be like the “Bouncing Betty’s” of back in the day … hundreds of steel pellets tearing thru whatever. Or would they be just HE (high explosive for you civvies) and putting larger holes on the course? These and other questions are answerd in the annals of INCOMING! Maybe not now, maybe not next month, but someday. You’ll just have to keep coming back.
Have a good one!!!
LMAO!!! Who knows what those tug-starts would do with golf balls… real OR exploding.
I checked — there are actually SEVERAL sites that sell exploding golf balls! However, they aren’t exactly usable as weapons — they disintegrate upon impact and produce a lot of smoke. The CIA might have had some weaponized ones, though — after the seashells and (possibly) cigar, I wouldn’t be surprised.
There ya go … everything you see is based on something. It maybe stretched a little but there is always some truth to a story … usually! Now I’ve got to work on the exploding seashells and cigars, hmmm … maybe a president and … never mind. It’s been done.
Thanks for commenting and visiting, Trevor.
Take a look at “In Like Flint” (1967, James Coburn, Lee J. Cobb, et al). The stun bomb (fictional) in the early part of the movie was a golf ball.
IMDB link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061810/