Yes, gentlemen … size does matter. At least in military firepower it does. If you were a drug smuggler, who would you stop for?
I think the USCG is awesome and they have a huge responsibility. In addition to keeping our “coasts” safe, they are also charged with trying to keep us drug free. A huge task. The point of this cartoon is they deserve every piece of equipment, be it aircraft, ship or weapon they desire. They are a relatively small force and my hat’s off to these guys and gals.
If there are any Coasties out there reading this and you have something humorous that would lend itself to a cartoon, please let me know!!!!!1
cool website
Coasties rock. Never been one, but respect the daylights out of them. Their motto used to be “You have to go out, but you don’t have to come back.” Hell even my dad respects them for their service in Vietnam in operation Market Time North. Coasties have trouble getting credit ’cause they have such a rough job. Next time you see a Coastie, give him a big “Thank You”. He or she deserves it.
Dago … I agree with your Dad! Thanks for visiting and posting, come back often.
Hey ,
Nice website. COOL!!!!!!
I like the NYERS WILL stop for a bite anywere
(( is awesome
Someone dropped the link to this cartoon into our contact page… This is great. We’ve reposted it (Aug 1), with full credit of course, over on :: An Unofficial Coast Guard Blog. We’ll be watching for more for sure… and if you’d like, drop us a line and let us know if there’s anything we can do for you. You keep the military laughing, the military is willing to help. Keep up the good work!
~Ryan @
I happen to be a Coastie and find this cartoon FANTASTIC. I love my job, but your right – We have nothing to work with, but are expected to do everything with it. The USCG reminds me of a quote from Mother Theresa: “We, the unwilling,led by the unknowing,are doing the impossible for the
ungrateful. We have done so much,for so long,with so little,we are now
qualified to do anything with nothing. ”
Good toons, keep em’ up.
Ryan and Sean … thanks for the words and site visit. I’ll do my best to keep the G.I.’s laughing, you guys are the best! Uh oh … now the pressure is on for more Coastie cartoons. 🙂
Ya put a smile in my face.
excellent cartoon. we NCV gunners feel this illustrates our situation quite well.
Thanks, Snipe … for visiting and commenting. Come back soon!