164. Weapon Cleaning Schedule

Just thought I’d make a “comment” on the administration’s bringing home the ‘combat troops’ a few weeks ago. Come on, we’ve got 50,000 troops left there with guns and stuff and there is still plenty of crap happening and they’re not considered combat troops? Just because they’re not with the Stryker Brigade or an Airborne Battalion they’re not combat troops? I’m sorry, if you wear a uniform for this country and are in a place where there is shooting … even once in a while … you’re a combat trrop. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it …

3 thoughts on “164. Weapon Cleaning Schedule

  1. Oh definitely. Besides, they still like to do the roadside bomb thing in Iraq. That can be just as dangerous as a rifle bullet or grenade any day.

  2. Oh, you betcha. The guys still there still need to be kept supplied. therefore there will still be the occasional resupply convoy. And the bad guys in Iraq still like to do the roadside bomb thing every now and then. Those things are just as deadly as a grenade or rifle bullet any day.

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