So it’s not a New Year’s cartoon …
This actually happened to me while overseas. Thank goodness I had on jungle boots and not the steel toes or my little pigies would have been cut off. Just some broken toes and bone fragments … forget sick call. Keep working!
Please everyone have a happy and healthy 2012 and please come back to the site. I thank you all for making 2011 a great year. Be safe …
have a happy Hogmany (New Year’s Eve) when it comes to you Sarge.
You too my friend! The best of health and happiness.
To you ‘Ammo Troops’, have a heartfelt, health-filled, happy, prosperous and well-deserved new year, with many and better years to come. I too, know something about bombs and steel-toed shoes. Been around falling bombs- all misses. Not so when the right-front tire of a 10-Ton rolled over my left foot. The steel cap was mashed in, cutting the skin of 4 toes before popping out. A little blood. But toes good. The steel worked. But the truck Was moving. Had it stopped, I’d have none.